One of these essential points is Tai Chong (LV3) and is located between the thumb from the leg and the second finger, right in the ares below the skin, where the fingers unite.
This point suggests that can cure headaches, reduce stress, help you get rid of anger, relieves back pain, tension, menstrual cramps , limb pains, insomnia and anxiety.
In addition, stimulation of this point is beneficial in cases of digestive problems, genital pain, headaches, sores and eye problems.
To enjoy the benefits, you must stimulate this point in this way: move your finger in the space between two fingers, until the tip of the fingers. Then focus only on the point that I mentioned above, and apply pressure and massage it for three seconds, then rest for a period of five seconds.
Repeat the massage for two minutes. You have to rub the point in the opposite direction of clockwise.
In cromopuntura é un punto linfatico molto importante trattare con il colore GIALLO per un minuto
vedi a proposito le zone linfatiche sul dorso del piede
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